The substitution of wheat flour by toasted white bean flour in your biscuits provides a significant nutritional improvement without altering the organoleptic qualities of the product.


Our recipe

T65 Flour – 36.1%

Sugar – 20%

Unsalted butter – 20%

White Bean Flour – 12%

Water – 10.2%

Raising agent – 1.3%

Salt – 0.4%


Our process

With a flat beater, at medium speed, mix together the softened butter and sugar for 2 min ;
Add the dry ingredients and mix for 2 min at medium speed ;
Add water and mix for 1 min at medium speed ;
Let the dough rest for 1h at 4°C ;
Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5mm, cut out biscuits of 5cm each ;
Let the biscuits rest for 1h at 4°C ;
Bake for 15 min at 170°C.


List of ingredients

Flours (Wheat, White bean), Sugar, Butter, Water, Raising agent (E450, E500), Salt.

Allergens: Gluten, Dairy.


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