Our recipe

Flour – 59.5%

Water – 29.3%

Yeast – 1.2%



Our process

- Kneading :
- First mixing (speed 1) : 2 min (spiral) - 5 min (oblique)
- Second mixing (speed 2) : 8 min (spiral) - 18 min (oblique)
- Temperature of the dough: 30°C
- Fermentation: 45 min + 1 flap + 45 min
- Weighing: 700g dough pieces
- Shaping: put the dough pieces into bannetons
- Proofing: 45 min
- Cooking time: 35 min at 240°C


List of ingredients

Wheat flour, Water, Rye flour, Salt, Devitalized wheat germ and wheat sourdough, Roasted wheat malt, Dehydrated yeast, Emulsifier: Canola lecithin, Wheat malt, Toasted barley malt.

Allergens: Gluten.


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